Patrick Henry College
Purcellville, VA
106,000 SF New Construction
The Barbara Hodel Student Life Center has become a hub of student activity at Patrick Henry College. This 106,000 square-foot facility features expansive recreational and dining facilities, classrooms, a bookstore, music studios, and offices. Located at the terminus of a pedestrian mall, the building matches the federal style appropriate to other buildings throughout the college campus. This facility is not merely an athletics center, although it boasts a regulation size, 3,000-seat gymnasium. It also includes an elaborate dining hall, common areas for student gatherings and study sessions, fitness center, classrooms, faculty offices and music practice rooms. With modern amenities and design, this facility is not only designed for the current needs of the college, but to be a solid fixture on the campus for many years to come.
American School & University Outstanding Designs – 2010
Architect of record: Dan Cook, BGW Founder Emeritus